Canon: Capture The Night At Ely's Yard
We where briefed by Canon to create an experience that enabled new customers to try out Canon DSLR cameras before they purchased outside of a shop enviroment. We decided to target a more creative and younger target audience who already have an interest in using DSLR professional cameras.
Our inspiration came from Canons ATL which uses footage shot by wildlife photographer Jamie Hall of Urban Deers. These deers happily roam about housing estates in Essex at night just like foxes would do. His footage is shot in low light, something we wanted to recreate for our audience and experience.
We took the concept of Urban Deer and created an experience called 'Capture The Night' A night time photography experience using low light to capture our own interpretation of Urban Deer in the trendy and creative East London Truman Brewery. The look and feel of our experience was inspired by the urban enviroment of Londons Shoreditch area, the materials we used where sheet metals, a bespoke shipping container and scafolding as well as premium finishes on the interior of the container.
This free experience was shared on all of Canon's social media channels to create a buzz that engaged our target audience. We shot the making of our Urban Graffiti Deer (The next project on my site) as a teaser for the event.
Our shipping container was placed in the centre of Truman Brewery with our Urban Deers placed in a variety of places from windows to roof tops as well as sitting next to the Banksy Car. On the live date our audience could come along, pick up any of our DSLR Canon cameras and take them to the top of the shipping container. Here they where shown by Canon experts how to shoot in low light and capture any of our Urban Deers. They then could select their favourite photo which we printed for them to be take home, we used Irista (Canons photo sharing app) to share our audiences digital photos on Canon's social media sites.
The experience was also taken to Blue Water shopping centre, this can be seen on my next project.

Design & Production

The Experience