Diet Coke: Studio
We where briefed by Diet Coke to create an experience that would get the young female target audience at Clothes Show Live excitied about the brand. Our challenge was to create something new with fashion credability without using any of their exisitng creative or involving any of their previous designers/creative directors.
Our solution was to get our young audience as involved in the experince as possible and give them the opportunity to be Diet Coke's designers for the day. This became the Diet Coke Studio.
The Diet Coke studio is a fully immersive experience that realies on our audience recieveing a small glass bottle of Diet Coke, taking a seat at our design benches and customising their bottle with bespoke stickers and gems that are on brand with Diet Coke. They also get to personalise their bottle with Diet Coke studio name tags.
Once our designers have created their bottle, they then take their bottle to the photoshoot podium. By shooting their bottle and uploading it onto instagram they are instantly in with a chance of winning £1000 ASOS vouchers. Their bottles are then wrapped up with Diet Coke tissue paper to protect them and taken away in a Diet Coke tote bag.
The results of this simple but incredibly effective experience where that we smashed our targets by 118% making us one of the most successful stands and experience at Clothes Show Live 2014.

The Experience

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